
The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) is a national HIV coordinating authority, with a broad-based multi-sectoral mandate, which oversees various mechanisms of coordination, planning and resource mobilisation. It brings together government departments, district, local and provincial AIDS councils, the private sector and civil society organisations (CSO’s) for a collective response to HIV, TB and STIs. SANAC has eighteen very diverse civil society sectors and these represent specific sections of society. All sectors have a role to play in the response against HIV and AIDS, TB and STIs each sector has a plan aimed at dealing with these conditions in line with the current National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STI 2017-2022 (NSP) (SANAC, n.d.).

The SANAC Women’s Sector (SWS) is at the core of these sectors. The role and priority of the SANAC Women’s Sector (SWS) is to raise women’s voices and represent women’s organisations on the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) structures. SWS advocates for approaches that consciously adopt the perspectives of women in all their diversity. SWS therefore has a dynamic role to play in the implementation of The National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STI 2017-2022 (NSP) by ensuring continued and active leadership and meaningful involvement in the implementation of the strategy which are central to the success of the response. Through this strategic plan the SWS is redefining and strengthening its leadership, representation and coordination for the HIV, TB and STI’s response in South Africa at national, provincial, district and local levels. This action plan will guide and focus the work of the SWS for the next two and a half years (2020-2022). This document will strengthen the functionality and accountability of the sector to its constituency, in supporting the implementation of the NSP.


The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) is a national HIV coordinating authority, with a broad-based multi-sectoral mandate, which oversees various mechanisms of coordination, planning and resource mobilisation. It brings together government departments, district, local and provincial AIDS councils, the private sector and civil society organisations (CSO’s) for a collective response to HIV, TB and STIs. SANAC has eighteen very diverse civil society sectors and these represent specific sections of society. All sectors have a role to play in the response against HIV and AIDS, TB and STIs each sector has a plan aimed at dealing with these conditions in line with the current National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STI 2017-2022 (NSP) (SANAC, n.d.).

The SANAC Women’s Sector (SWS) is at the core of these sectors. The role and priority of the SANAC Women’s Sector (SWS) is to raise women’s voices and represent women’s organisations on the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) structures. SWS advocates for approaches that consciously adopt the perspectives of women in all their diversity. SWS therefore has a dynamic role to play in the implementation of The National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STI 2017-2022 (NSP) by ensuring continued and active leadership and meaningful involvement in the implementation of the strategy which are central to the success of the response. Through this strategic plan the SWS is redefining and strengthening its leadership, representation and coordination for the HIV, TB and STI’s response in South Africa at national, provincial, district and local levels. This action plan will guide and focus the work of the SWS for the next two and a half years (2020-2022). This document will strengthen the functionality and accountability of the sector to its constituency, in supporting the implementation of the NSP.