Silungile Mtambo – Sector Leader
Silungile Mtambo is the sector leader for the SANAC Women’s Sector. She is also the executive member for the organisation South African Positive Women Ambassadors (SAPWA) in KZN and has prominent and years of experience working in the Civil Society Space and advocating for women living with HIV in various aspects including gender based violence, access to HIV testing and treatment services.

Khanyisa Dunjwa
Khanyisa Dunjwa is a skilled women’s rights activist with over 17 years’ practical experience in the development sector. Khanyisa holds a Diploma in Management Assistant, she has used every practical opportunity to gain practical programme management experience with a specific focus on HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, gender, and human rights. Her technical strengths include the design and implementation of programmes in HIV, SRHR, governance, and gender equality, including gender-based violence.
Khanyisa is an AVAC Fellowship alumni whose HIV prevention work has focused on the safe initiation of boys and integration of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) and traditional circumcision. She has worked extensively with the SANAC Women’s Sector advocating for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and the Dapivirine vaginal ring. She believes that women should have a basket of HIV prevention options. She is currently serving as the Deputy Chairperson of the SANAC Women’s Sector and the Co-chair of the Eastern Cape Aids Council. She has served on the PEPFAR Dreams project technical team during the early implementation of the Dreams programme. She is the Steering Committee member of the National Teenage Pregnancy Partnership, a multi-sectoral committee that’s coordinated by Ibis Reproductive Health.
Khanyisa served a full three-year term on the Global Fund Country Coordinating Committee which advice on the Global Fund Grant to South Africa. The position on the CCM allowed Khanyisa to serve on the Oversight Committee where her technical expertise on the AGYW programme was very helpful in supporting and guiding the work of both Principal Recipients and Sub-recipients. She has done consultancy work for the AGYW Programme of the Global Fund, engaging with AGYWs in three provinces for their voices on a specific aspect of the program. She believes in community engagement work and in ensuring that communities are not left behind in development processes. Khanyisa has extensive experience in working with young people. In the past 7 years, her work has largely focused on adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) working with Passionate Unlimited Peers in Action (PUPA).
Sindi Shangase
Sindi is a Feminist and a Human Rights Activist with 18 years of experience in rights based advocacy programmes. She is passionate about advancing social justice especially in relation to bodily autonomy for women and girls with an emphasis on the grassroots discourse. Sindi is a M.A.C. AIDS and UCLA Fellow of HIV & GBV Prevention. She has championed movement building initiatives. She has served as a leader in various institutions in country, regionally and globally participating in a number of roes that include serving as a Board Member, Advisory Committee Member, Research and Advocacy. She is currently the Executive Director.

Sinazo Pato
Sinazo Pato works as a senior outreach specialist for the International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM) in South Africa, where she oversees outreach, education, and advocacy activities targeting adolescent girls and young women to ensure that their perspectives and experiences are considered in HIV prevention programs and product development.
Sinazo has over 15 years of experience in HIV prevention biomedical trials focusing on community education and stakeholder engagement. Prior to her work in clinical trials, Sinazo was an activist passionately advocating for access to affordable HIV treatment for people who need it in South Africa, a cause she still believes in.
Phinah Kodisang
Phinah is a feminist leader who is experienced in organisational development and advocacy, programme management and grant management, with over 15 years’ experience in the development and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights field. Holder of a Master’s Degree in Social Development from the University of Wales (Swansea) in the UK; Phinah has championed strategic development and management of ground breaking programmes such as the innovation programme that resulted in the building of the first clinic in Hillbrow, Johannesburg, where adolescents living with HIV are provided friendly ART services and the relevant psychosocial support (2012-2015). She formed part of the team that provided content for the development of the YDF Manual for HIV prevention in 2011 funded by GIZ.